Download Instructions

If you are having trouble downloading the file here are detailed instructions.

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First begin your purchase by clicking the "Buy Now" button on the specific page for the e-book you are ordering.

Here is the Paypal button:

And here is the Google Checkout button:

(This sample buttons will not direct you anywhere)

You will be directed to PayPal where you may pay using your PayPal account or your own credit card.


If you are new to PayPal, PayPal will give you the option of joining.

You can join or choose not to. If you choose not to you will be directed to use a credit card. Either way be sure to take the option to return to

At the end of the process you will see a button like this:

(If you click it now it will take you to the home page.) You will then be directed to a specific page on the site with specific download instructions for your e-book.

This will be a "Thank You" page which will give you a user name and a PASSWORD and a link to the download site.

Click on the link which will take you to the site.

A box will appear prompting you to enter the user name and PASSWORD

Enter the user name and PASSWORD in the boxes.

The user name and PASSWORD are case sensitive. Be sure you use lower case or upper case letters as indicated.

Google Checkout

Google Checkout does not now provide a return link. I will receive and email from Google when you make a purchase. As soon as I check my email I will send you the link. Then follow the steps above to sign in to the directory.

You will be directed to the PDF file. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader(c) installed it will open automatically and display the e-book either within Acrobat Reader (c) or right on your web browser.

If you experience problems with this, first try opening Adobe Acrobat Reader (c) then proceed to the page.

You are not limited to the number of times you can access the page once you have paid.

Adobe Acrobat Reader (c) will launch right in your browser. And the file should immediately begin loading. You can use the commands to save a copy, view it, print it, in version 7.0 there is even a search feature.

You can test the download process using codes to reach the download site by downloading the article: Artists' Models in New York

If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader (c) you may download a free copy of the latest version here:
Acrobat Reader Download Site

If you are still experiencing trouble email me and I will contact you to help with the download or email you the file.

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